Brochu Walker is The New American Minimalism - Conscious luxury with European flair. Its understated, rich nature is the ultimate luxury and its attention to detail is thoughtful, deliberate and discreet. The effortless collection is defined by a quality over quantity, less is always more mindset, giving way to alluring pieces that are personal, with definitive character.

E-commerce Sales Growth YoY - (Year to Date / Jan - Oct)

ECOM DEPARTMENT partnered with Brochu Walker to help accelerate online sales and
revenue growth through digital advertising and strategy.
In just under 12 months, online revenue has grown by +160% year over year. ECOM DEPARTMENT was active in scaling monthly advertising budgets based on achieving key ROAS goals.

  • +170%


  • +146%


  • +149%


Comparing to the same period year-over-year, we've managed to contribute to record breaking online sales. Total sales are up +259% with Total Orders up by 203% and Average Order Value up by 6%.


Continuous performance optimizations to improve sales volume, return on advertising spend (ROAS) and
conversion value (revenue).

Media Planning

Partnering with the Brochu Walker team, we continue to help plan and execute all advertising programs including reporting, attribution modeling, budget planning and the implementation of various technology requirements such as shopping feed optimization and more.

“ECOM DEPT has exceeded our expectations managing and scaling our paid search, social ads and remarketing programs. We’re excited to continue our partnership and look forward to continued
growth and performance”
Karine Dubner | CEO & Founder, Brochu Walker